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William S. Scarborough Archives : Research Request

Request Guidelines

All research requests must be in writing. Researchers must submit their research request over email to Any other forms of communication, such as phone calls or postal mail, may not be properly received.  A library staff member will subsequently reach out once your research request has been reviewed. Please note that you may be asked to provide additional details about your research request that may not have been included in the initial email.

Due to the current state of the Scarborough Archives, please have patience with the limited number of library staff. Allow at least three (3) weeks for your information to be returned. Please plan accordingly with your schedule as to not miss deadlines. Requests will be addressed and fulfilled in the order in which they are received; however, those from the Wilberforce Community will have precedence. 

On-site and in-person research visits are currently being limited due to limited staff availability. Please contact the archivist about scheduling a potential visit, as visits are by appointment only. Researcher visits without prior notice are highly discouraged; an unscheduled visitor may be required to schedule an appointment with a library staff member prior to any research being conducted. All in-person researchers must follow the Reading Room Rules in order to access the archival material. Because the Scarborough Archives are undergoing a major reorganization, it may be appropriate for the research to be done remotely when possible. 


Due to the nature, age, and condition of some items, scanning will be done at the discretion of the library staff. If an item is deemed too damaged to properly scan or photograph, other options may have to be considered. Some items may be completely restricted for research requests in order to best preserve the item. Other records may be protected by federal or state laws, as in the case of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and Ohio Privacy Policies. Protected documents will not be shared and researchers will be told so before any research begins. 

Additional Information

Please note the fees associated with research requests in the archives. You can find the Research Rates under the fees section of this LibGuide. If the information is located, nothing will be sent to the researcher until we have confirmation of payment. The researcher must agree to the terms listed on the Research Rates document before library staff can begin locating information. 

Wilberforce University will not send any research request results in the postal mail or over the phone except for in special circumstances. Most research request results are sent via email.

Wilberforce University Rembert E. Stokes Library & Information Commons

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